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Invitation to the NRF’s Special Session in EKC 2023
Wednesday, August 16, 2023, 14:50 PM - / Conference Room_Mars 2



We are pleased to invite you to the special session that the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) have prepared to share information of Korean government-funded program called “Brain Pool (BP) / Brain Pool+ (BP+)” in addition to other NRF’s international cooperation centers.

BP and BP+ are Korea’s most valuable research support program to bring international researchers to Korea regardless of their nationality. For more details, please refer to the attachment.

We sincerely hope to see you in this Special Session of NRF!



  • Session title
    Brain to Korea (The Chance for Developing R&D Career in Korea)
  • Session description

1. Overview of Brain Pool

First of all, we will give you overall explanation about Brain Pool program.

Program details for future applicants such as qualification, supporting range, and tentative schedule etc. will be included.


2. Testimonials of Brain Pool Fellow(1) : My Brain-Pool program journey : from a salaryless postdoc to an assistant professor

Brain Pool creates global network by supporting not only overseas researchers but also host PI to do joint research in Korea. In this presentation, we will hear about actual experience of Brain Pool fellow who was invited as overseas researcher and now becomes host PI of Brain Pool project inviting overseas researchers in Korea.


3. Testimonials of Brain Pool Fellow (2) : How Brain Pool(BP) program helped me getting a perminant research scientist position in South Korea

Brain Pool supports settlement in Korea while overseas researchers do Brain Pool project.

Many overseas researchers have settled down thorough our program. In here, we can listen real experience of Brain Pool fellow who is overseas Korean and settled down successfully in Korea during conducting Brain Pool project.



자세한 사항은 첨부파일을 참조해주시기 바랍니다.

재독과협 회원님들 및 EKC 등록자 여러분들의 많은 관심 및 참여 부탁드립니다.


첨부 파일: Invitation to the Spectional Session of NRF.pdf
                 Brain Pool One Page Flyer.pdf

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